Kirkwood Neighbors Organization
The KNO Board of Directors is made up of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, & Secretary. Their responsibilities as well as how they are nominated and elected are laid out in our bylaws.
Officers are elected to serve a 12-month term (January to December). Elections are held at the November meeting. Nominations can be made by committee and/or by nominations from the floor. Newly elected Officers take office January 10th.

PRESIDENT | Mathew George
Elected November 2024 for 2025 Board Service
The President presides over all Meetings and performs all administrative duties as required by the office including preparing an agenda for all meetings. The President is the KNO "Spokesperson" in all matters pertaining to its business. The President should not commit KNO to any business or express any viewpoint for KNO that has not first been approved by the Board and Members. The President is authorized to disburse funds.
Elected November 2024 for 2025 Board Service
The Vice President presides over the standing committees, assists the President, acts for the President when the President is unable to serve and assumes all duties as agreed upon.
TREASURER | Erik Josephson
Elected January 2025 for 2025 Board Service
The Treasurer will keep all financial records and supporting documents of all income and expenses for KNO and provide an updated financial statement at each Monthly Meeting. The Treasurer is authorized to receive monies and sign disbursements for KNO. The Treasurer is responsible for ensuring that all disbursements have had prior approval by the Board and the Members if the disbursement exceeds $100.00, except in the case of emergency (any act which might compromise the official standing of KNO or danger to life or property). The Treasurer will keep and maintain an accurate and ongoing record of the KNO’s financial transactions on financial or bookkeeping software purchased by KNO. The Treasurer will prepare an annual financial report and file KNO’s taxes.
SECRETARY | Blaire Hodgin
Elected January 2025 for 2025 Board Service
The Secretary is the custodian of KNO’s records except records specifically assigned in these Bylaws to others. The Secretary will take the minutes at all Meetings. The Secretary will present and report the minutes of each Meeting at the subsequent Meeting for consideration. The Secretary will keep an attendance list of each Meeting. The Secretary will assist the President with correspondence. The Secretary will coordinate and prepare an annual activity report.
To see a list of past board members, please click here.