Kirkwood Neighbors Organization
SO MANY ways to get involved! You can become a voting member and attend meetings, chair or join a committee, volunteer to serve our seniors, sign up to help maintain our parks and public spaces, design and paint a mural, help us plan and execute the Kirkwood Spring Fling, Tour of Homes, and 5K...and more!
​Arts & Beautification Committee
The Kirkwood Arts & Beautification Committee's goal is to bring local art to Kirkwood and by doing so make our neighborhood a more beautiful place. They are always looking for new artists and ideas for ways to bring more beauty to Kirkwood. Learn more, donate & get involved.
Education Committee
The education committee coordinates with our local schools on behalf of the KNO bringing reports and opportunities for support. We currently are looking for a new committee members. Interested? Learn more and get involved.
Environmental Committee
One of our more active committees, the Environmental Committee cares for our public spaces, organizes work days, maintains the Clay Cemetery and more.
Learn more, donate & get involved.
Health & Public Safety Committee
The Public Safety Committee interacts with local law enforcement and public health officials on behalf of the KNO. If you're interested in joining the committee.
Email our Health and Public Safety Chair.
Outreach Committee
The community outreach committee was formed to seek to ensure that the KNO membership represents the socioeconomic, racial, and cultural diversity of Kirkwood. Get involved! Email our Community Outreach Chair.
The Transportation Committee works to promote mobility options such as riding transit, walking, and biking as key to the streets and people of Kirkwood and improve accessibility and make sustainable transportation easy and safe in Kirkwood. Learn more and get involved.
This is a very active and important committee that needs your participation!! The Zoning Committee meets to consider zoning variance requests or express support or lack of support for residential and commercial projects based on zoning standards and makes recommendations to the KNO that are voted on. To join this committee email our Zoning chair or learn more about the zoning process.