Kirkwood Neighbors Organization
The mission of the Transportation Committee is to promote mobility options such as riding transit, walking, and biking as key to the streets and people of Kirkwood. To improve accessibility and make sustainable transportation easy and safe in Kirkwood.

Committee Accomplishments
2017: Distributed a survey about transportation needs in Kirkwood
2018: Requested stop signs installed on Hosea Williams at Oakview to prevent crashes
2019 Safety Improvement Requests
Secured letter of support for Complete Street on DeKalb Ave
Requested two bus stop shelters be installed on MARTA route 21
Requested speed limit reduction on Hosea Williams from 35 to 25 mph by legislation (awaiting new signs)
2020: Requested sidewalks be fixed on Oakview between Hosea and 2nd Ave
2023 Safety Improvement Requests
Hosea and 1st: stop sign request (75 survey responses)
Hosea and Warren: test all-way stop request (48 survey responses)
Kirkwood Triangle: intersection safety improvement request
Memorial Drive: letter of support for safety project
Oakview Road: traffic calming, bike lane, and stop signs request (99 survey responses)
Sisson and Delano/Hillcrest: stop sign request (35 survey responses)
Wyman St SE: request for multiple safety improvements
Hosea Williams: restripe bike lanes request
APD: stop high-speed chases
Warren St NE: surveyed neighbors on traffic calming
You don’t have to be a transportation expert - you just need to care about improving mobility for people in our community!
Contact us to find out how you can share your time and talent with the Transportation Committee